Saturday, April 25, 2009

After assessment lor~ finally~

深深地松了一口气 (hu….. – 呼气声)
 那么久以来 这个sem才算是有用心努力的在做^^
嗯…应该出了…出了…我也不懂耶~ (抓头)

 很开心 很顽皮 很捣蛋 很颠倒

开心 -- 同学/大家都处得很好^^深感幸福

 顽皮 – 觉得事情很有趣,就开始了…

捣蛋 -- 同学多,班上气氛热闹了,自不然会开始乱乱说话+sai人
(i)很多很被乱配了不好的对象, Kekeke 没有啊~就真的很自然就说出来了^^
(ii) photo editing 好好的一个人,我用lala software edit 到他们…..
paiseh ohh… 我不是有心的 请勿介意 我有在想要不要Post去 facebook的叻~ 你讲要不要叻? 

颠倒 – 这个学期有好多好多次 不懂怎样就睡了下去 无端端的睡着 半夜突然zhak醒才去冲凉 (请不要讲我肮脏,我也不想的好吗~ 我才是真正的受害者~)

一整天都花在学校 回家就累了 昨天更衰!
说上楼换衣服后就下楼喝汤,换好衣后就真的马上 马上哦~ immediately睡着了,omg~!!
等下present yeh~都不懂有睡过头没~真的吓到~(电话刚好又没开叻)

 (p/s: I not yet present for the presentation later….aiyo….alamak~besides that, actually I gt think abt doing more panels to explain my product and can print it out in the morning,if I got time or allow to do so….but….now…shit lor….done nothing and damn worry~ but thanks to Gina san, come early and wait me until gastric, gomeinasai yeh~ ^^ 好运~来得及换panel^^)

 Lazy to type in Chinese jor~ Actually I just started to prepare and think abt wat should I talk for the coming presentation while wait for Gina. I thought thr will be an external and the presentation I think that time is for the external, not for my lecturer lar~ but the external came late…so….. I WANNA RE-DO MY PANELS!!! LEARN SOFTWARES THINGS!!!! MAKE MY PANELS LENG LENG~!!!!!

Guys…..Teach me teach me lar~ next time I can helps or at least I won’t kacau u guys when I wanna do panels~

 Happy HAPPY ohh~ the external said my bean stool is good and the ashtray is ok oso^^ he said I should tell n explain more for my presentation
Thank you, I do learn some from you^^

 However My presentation is worse than I expects, too bad~ But this time, I really did felt shiyawase ~ ^^
it’s free and having a good moment

Until now, I think…Wat I done for this semester is much much 用心+bei sam gei than b4 this….b4 this, I juz 混着过….i lazy mah~huhuhu~ So….it’s happy and satisfy, huhu~ p/s: sem2, I been come out an idea which is a pen holder seesaw, but my model doesn’t look nice lar~ and my lecturer laugh on it ohh….n nw, lately lar~ frm a design magazine, I saw a design almost same wif this idea lor~ just that 1 is big n it’s for books holding, mine is small and for pen holding. Haiz~


  1. presentation ar... same lo. train in your dream(i really do like this de leh, dont say me lie u jor)! sure u can do great in your final year project. hahaha

  2. haha~ ok^^
    i try a bit ^^
    thankyou so much^^
